DFA1000 versterker / Marantz PM75
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Jawel. Bijvoorbeeld de DFA1000 versterker.
Voor de Amerikaanse markt gemaakt. Dus hier uiterst zeldzaam.
Ook 100V dus aanpassing of omvormer hier onbruikbaar.
Zie ook audioclassics.

Marantz PM 75 Digital amplifier 1989 twin DAC - exceptional low use condition - but no remote
Extremely rare amplifier due to its top end price in the day - the PM75 is beautifully engineered 100 watt per channel twin dac amplifier.
Even more relevant now in these days of huge vintage interest - its processing rate remains spot on according to the real rate of the typical CD player - and its interesting when they also have the TD1541
Unusual in most ways - but Marantz put massive resource into the research for them as they long foresaw DAC technology, - so this was (and still is ) a dream where solutions for both digital sources like CD and the very highly developed Analogue - most importantly the turntable. Also - there is a beautiful circuit in the PM75 for low volume listening with the loudness button in use - which is not the case on any other amp really, but they are fab on lower volumes,
It makes them very adaptable, since the 100 per channel would normally cause the opposite effect with such a huge transformer hardly warmed up. Much was remarked about this aspect in the hi fi press at the time, since this was sen as quite an impeccable result from engaging 'loudness'. So it was generally assumed that in this case it was not to be considered a psycho-acoustic effect - but to the contrary, a real refinement was available on the button in its own right. Very unusual - but then it is from an amplifier full of them anyway.
Thus - the PM75 is an amplifier of different dimensions to almost any other of this ilk - there is also a superb MM/MC - but all round this is hi-fi engineering attitude of yesteryear when parts were of very high quality in integrated amps. These look very understated - typical of the route marantz took after 1980